After traveling to the northern tip of the island, we wanted to see the southern tip of the island. So we drove to Southpoint, which is not only the southern most part of the island but the southern most part of the United States. It was very arid and windy, and there were really big, beautiful waves crashing the shores that we enjoyed watching.
We stopped at Waimea on our way to the beach and played at a fun park: Mark and I think that Waimea is one of the most beautiful places on the Big Island.
...was filled with lots of running, playing, eating, and firecrackers. We were invited to a friend's house for BBQ, which is actually not what Southerners think of as BBQ. We think of Golden Rule or Dreamland, pulled pork on a bun or ribs, but here anything that is cooked on the grill is considered BBQ. We had some BBQ beef that was raised on the property. After we got home we shot lots of firecrackers and such in the back yard which the kids thought was the greatest ever. What is better than playing with fire, sparks, loud booms and smoke for a 7 year old?? Nothing.