Friday, September 23, 2011

End of the summer

It's the end of the summer. Well, officially today is the first day of fall, but there are absolutely no hints of it here. I miss that.

We have a small garden that is finally producing. We have tomatillos, Roma tomatoes, and ONE artichoke. I think I might let it bloom just to see what the flower looks like.

We also still have 4 dogs living with us. All of them are sweet and silly in their own way. Kahiki is probably the laziest. Judge for yourself....

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Reality TV Project link

Mark (and I) have been working on a reality tv show project. He recently made a website that shows the basic concept of the show, so that we can show it to possible producers, etc.

Check it out!

Thursday, September 8, 2011