Friday, December 14, 2012


“Joy and happiness in living, a love of all existence, a power and energy for work … the need for imagination, a sense of truth and a feeling of responsibility, these are the forces which are the very nerve of education.”
-Rudolf Steiner

Saint John has been homeschool this past semester. We have both learned a lot from the experience. I have learned how little I enjoy teaching and how much I enjoy seeing my children among a class full of other children their age. I realized that I am not called to be a teacher, and that's okay! Saint John has learned that he misses seeing friends on a daily basis. Thankfully there is another acceptable option. Next semester SJ will be attending a Waldorf( ) school which is conveniently located near Ella's school. I am so thankful that he will be able to join a classroom full of other learners! This school, by the way, is looking for a 2nd/3rd grade teacher for next year if anyone knows anyone who might be interested.
Waldorf education tends to be very touchy/feely which may not work well for all students, such as very unmotivated ones. But thankfully, SJ is very bright and probably needs more touchy/ feely stimulation. He tested in the 98% for math and reading this year, so I think he will be just fine where ever he is. 

By the way, Lucy is going to be attending their pre-school program as well. She will be starting in January, and will be going 5 days a week. I don't know what I will do without her. Well, since I'm starting school, also, I'm sure I will have plenty to do! 

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